I’ve finally decided it’s time to take the E-plunge.
I made the transition with my own titles, making them available as Kindle e-books. But not so on the books I purchase.
I’ve resisted because I so love the feel of a book in my hands. I enjoy the weight of it, the smell of the paper, the contrast of the printed words and the clean paper. I like being able to page back to refer to information—a name or some detail about a character. It’s reassuring to highlight reference books or use adhesive tags as a research for plotting information. And there’s nothing like having four or five research volumes open at the same time. Plus…I really love to go into book stores and browse through books.
Still, my friends have assured me that digital books offer many of the same benefits. They’ve convinced me that covers on the gadgets enhance the feel of them. While the smell is not the same, the contrast on the screens can be adjusted. And they rave about search abilities and tagging. Plus, you can open several books at once. I can browse on-line or browse hard-copies and order less expensive e-versions. And…and…and they’re so much easier to take when you travel (since I usually end up with three books stuffed in my suitcase).
But I think what finally convinced me was that I can adjust type size for my middle-aged eyesight. I’m so tired of those reading glasses!
So, these last few weeks, I’ve started investigating e-book readers and am astounded. I had anticipated comparing brands (Sony E-reader, Kindle, I-pad, etc.). Now, I’ve discovered that each brand offers multiple models. Not only am I trying to compare price, size, weight, back-lit vs. non-back-lit, book purchasing options, and functionality beyond basic e-book reading but I now have to decide if I want to stick with wi-fi or go 4-G (and whether or not I want to pay for 4-G service).
I feel like I’m going a little crazy. And I doubt I’m the only one. Plus, Santa Claus has to be a little confused, too.
If you’ve made the switch, we could use your help! If you like the reader you’ve chosen, tell us. And if there’s something you dislike about the reader you picked, let us know. What matters most about back-lighting? Is 4-G access really better than wi-fi access? What else to we need to know? Are the extras offered by I-pad worth the bucks?
Hi, Pam,
I'm just starting to get my books on Kindle.
However, I haven't self-published, so I'm still ignorant in that regard. L&L Dreamspell has published my new YA coming of age/romance novel for teens, STACY'S SONG, on Kindle and various other e-book platforms, as well as trade paperback. They will also bring out THE INFERNO COLLECTION and THE DROWNING POOL, my Five Star/Gale hardcover romantic mysteries, as
e-books. I do think there's a big future for e-publishing, a revolution both for
readers and writers. As to what to purchase,
I'm confused myself. I know several people that love their Kindles. The Nook looks good as well. Please keep us informed on what you finally decide.
Jacqueline Seewald
new hardcover release from Five Star:
I love my Kindle! But I'm a big Amazon fan--it's my second favorite place to buy books--my first being my local indie store. I converted one of my Five Star books to Kindle and even though it's not blazing a new trail in a record number of sales, it's steadily selling and most importantly, it's available.
I still love my library, and get books there regularly. And as I mentioned, I love to support my indie store, but it's hard to beat the convenience of reading on an ereader. I purchased the Wi-fi model, because I wouldn't have used the 3G connection, but that's a personal choice. In my opinion, the best thing about the ereader is the ability to read samples of books. The samples are significant, at least the first 10-20 pages for most books--actually, more pages than I would take the time to read while standing in the bookstore.
I love my print books. I have a big stack of them on my bedside table. My Kindle sits on top.
I started with the 'dinosaur' eBookwise because it was one of the few dedicated e-readers out there when I started publishing with e-publishers. I LOVE it. I can go on vacation with the equivalent of 1 book's worth of space in my suitcase yet have many, many books. This was long before the Kindle existed.
The one feature I fell in love with, though, was the back light. I know everyone touts the e-ink so they can read in bright sun, but I don't care about that. (Mine does have contrast adjustment).
What I didn't like in many of the e-ink readers I saw was the horrible delay and flash in page turning. I know people say 'you get used to it' but it wasn't something I wanted to risk.
What I LOVE is the ability to read in bed. At night. In the dark. To that end, I pre-ordered the new Nook Color, even though it was more expensive than many of the others.
Once it arrives, I know I'll be doing at least one post about it on my blog.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
Wow, Rebbie--I didn't realize you could sample that many pages. That's a real benefit.
Terry--I'm wrestiling on the back light. I think the in-the-dark benefit would be totally worth it but so many people say it's not good for the eyes. Plus I like sitting in the sun. Hmmmm. Anyone manufacture an optional backlighting feature?
Pam - I've never had eyestrain with my eBookwise, but it's not the same as my computer. In fact, I have LESS trouble with my reader than with a paper book. However, I'll have to let you know once I get it. I don't do that much outdoor reading with my reader. I think there's no reason to say you can't have both--there's no 'either-or' Different situations, different formats
I have requested a Kindle for my birthday this month. Several of my friends have one, so I can ask them for help if necessary. I've also heard that customer service at Amazon is very good. I will get the 3G model so I can download books anywhere. I also wanted eInk so I can read outdoors, and a model that fits in my purse. Battery life is another consideration as color models use up more juice.
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