Here's a bit from Wikipedia: Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. Throughout history, writer's block has been a documented problem.

- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- It might be caused by the work itself
- The muse might be on vacation
- Adverse circumstances at home or work
How do we cope?

Our friend Jacqueline Seewald turned me onto this article so I will share. It gave me some ideas I hadn't thought of before, so check it out.
A survey of 2,500 writers found that writer’s block was caused by high expectations, fear of failure, and unrealistic deadlines. Here are 21 ways to beat writer’s block.
Hopefully there are a few ideas here that I can use. I'll let you know how it goes!
Enjoy the journey.
Bonnie (BD) Tharp, author of women's fiction: Feisty Family Values and Patchwork Family. With a new Young Adult manuscript ready for an agent or publisher, whichever comes first.
For more information http://bdtharp.com
I confess to suffering from writer's block often. It usually comes after a rejection of some sort--yeah, I still get plenty of those! My mother claimed I had a thin skin. I've grown up a lot since those days but I still get discouraged by criticism.
I get back in the groove by exercising--taking a long walk outdoors or on a treadmill. I also like chocolate which is a great mood enhancer. Free writing is always good. I think we worry too much about writing a perfect first draft when first drafts are usually lousy. So what? We revise them until they are worthy words.
My advice: don't write for a market or to please anyone but yourself. Ultimately, the words will come. As you observe, Bonnie, fear of failure is what does much to create writer's block. Success is in freeing our minds. Then the words will come.
You are so right, Jacqui. Thank you for the comment. Any creative endeavour suffers from doubt and that can lead to blockage of the flow. Eventually though we find our way.
pls suggest me some good novels by Israil authors....?
"ד"ר שלמה קוגן"
I'm sorry, I don't know the nationality of the authors I've read.
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