In 2009, the term “mashup” came
into being. Mashup simply defined means taking two or more different genres and
mixing them up. For instance, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, both by Seth Grahame-Smith, are good examples of mashup novels that take either historical
figures or classic literature and combine them with horror. This form of hybrid
work brings up intriguing questions regarding the future of fiction. Is this
form of cross genre a good thing or is it merely pop culture at its worst?
Short story writers have been combining genres for many years. Thus, the
“speculative” fiction label often combines science fiction, fantasy and horror
with mystery, romance, historical and
even literary elements. So this is not new.
However, reviewers as well as readers
are often confused when authors move away from pigeon-holed tried and true
formulas for genre novels and experiment. Charlaine
Harris, for example, tossed aside the usual rules of mystery writing and simply
wrote what she really wanted to create--the secret to her superstar success.
She wasn’t afraid to be different in style and subject and actually have fun
with her writing. “Old school” mystery reviewers and
writers frown on using paranormal elements. They consider it a kind of
cheating. Charlaine didn’t worry about that. The results speak for themselves.

In the 18th century,
many authors experimented with novel writing, considering it a dynamic form of
written expression. The writers weren’t afraid to be original or different. They created unique novels with unforgettable
diversity in character, style and plot type which inspired subsequent
generations who followed. The mashup novel is yet another experiment with the
novel form. Will this manifestation last? To my mind, that is not the
significant question. Will the novel survive as a literary form? I think the
answer is emphatically yes because it is an art form that allows for change and
constant evolution.
Do you take chances as a reader or
a writer? Will you read or write books or short stories that do not follow
standard genre formula plotting and characterization?
To celebrate Mother’s Day, I’m giving away a review print
copy of my mystery thriller THE BAD WIFE to someone who comments. If
interested, leave an e-mail address along with your comment.
Thanks for enlightening me on mashup fiction, Jacqueline. I'm keen to read your own take on it.
D. J. Blackmore
Thanks for dropping by, D.J. Glad you enjoyed the post.
Thanks for discussing this, Jacquie. I've been reading about it and wasn't quite sure how mashup fiction worked. I have read some mysteries with a paranormal element, and I certainly enjoy some science fiction or futuristic fiction too. Very interesting post.
Thank you, Susan, like you, I enjoy mysteries that have a variety of elements.
Hi Jacqueline--Enjoyed your post! You know I love mashup fiction and I couldn't be happier to see more of it in the marketplace. You mentioned novels--there's been a lot of mashup plays in the theatre, too--especially in plays for kids. Last night I read a supernatural western story (with zombies), and it was GREAT. So I'm looking forward to doing more of this type thing, and hope that the readers love it, too.
This is probably one of my fav topics, Susan! I write mashup fiction, too. It's interesting to read someone else's take on it. Enjoyed it!
What a fun post! I've never really thought about the topic much before, I'll have to do a bit of book exploring.
Another interesting post, Jacquie. Thanks for your take on "mashup" fiction.
Hi, Bobbi,
I don't follow theatre as much as I used to, so I appreciate you keeping me up-to-date. Lots of mashup movies these days too.
Hi, L.J.,
Glad you're a fan of mashup fiction too.
Hi, Marilyn,
I expect your next mystery will sport some zombies or vampires!
Hi, Mary,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting as well.
I never knew that expression. But I like the elements of mashup fiction. I always bring a romantic flavor into my mysteries. And I love a touch of the paranormal, too
I tend not to read stories with vampires, zombies, or werewolves, so I miss out on that type of mashup. But I do like ghost stories, so mysteries or other genres with ghosts would be fun.
Hi, Marilyn,
We agree on that. I still prefer the term cross genre fiction but mashup works well too.
Hi, Pat,
I favor ghosts over the other speculative manifestations myself.
sometimes, depends on the book
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Thanks for commenting Bn.
Hard to know which books will grab readers and which won't. A lot depends on the preferences of the reader.
I enjoy cross genre works. In the past some editors/agents were prone to not accept cross genre works. It looks like those days are over! I, too, prefer the term cross genre rather than mashups.
My email is
Hi, Betty,
I took heat from a couple of traditionalist reviewers because my mysteries are cross genre, but I think writers have to be true to their convictions.
Definitely an interesting topic, Jacquie. My favorite of all novels (or one of them) is One Hundred Years of Solitude by the late Gabriel Marquez (rest his soul), and that is surely an example of "mashup"--or should we call it "magic realism?" Same thing? Anyway, I love it when it's done right.
Hi, Nancy,
Thanks for your input! Happy Mother's Day.
An interesting post, Jacquie. I wonder how those editors and critics who object to mashup fiction feel about Hamlet.
Hi, Anita,
Good question!
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