I would like to showcase a book by one of our own AE bloggers. THE CHEVALIER. Jacqueline Seewald has written an award winning romance. It is a Romantic Historical saga of the 18th century, but her engaging style weaves the Jacobite Rebellion and societal constraints into the story beautifully.
The Chevalier by Jacqueline Seewald
A bird's eye Review by Mary F. Schoenecker
The author's descriptive style makes it easy to picture Madeline DeMornay, the teen-aged heroine, born of Scottish and French aristocracy. A surprising mix of innocence and sensuality, Madeline falls in love with English Colonel, Gareth Erickson, the illegitimate son of an English nobleman. Gareth, a favorite with the ladies, wants none for a wife, but is attracted to Madeline from the beginning and the attraction is mutual.
The suspense and excitement accelerates when the reader learns that Madeline is betrothed by her mother to her Scottish cousin Andrew. Andrew is a lovable,stalwart Scottish soldier who is eventually captured during the defeat at Culloden.The two soldiers, Andrew and Gareth provide the twists of tension and conflict, keeping the reader immersed in the drama that unfolds.
The author deftly captures the Scottish burr in dialog, making the words sing, and her literary descriptions of Scotland's Highlands and Northern England are masterfully drawn. Although the sensual scenes between Gareth and Madeline are not for me, The Chevalier is a well crafted story with a satisfying, love inspired ending. I gave it a well-deserved five stars.
If you missed it on Amazon or Goodreads, do look for it.
I'm hoping that I can tell you about the publication of my book, SAFE HARBOR, next time.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Writer's Life, Part 2
I know I've talked about the "writer's life" before, but hey - it's not easy and I want other writers (new ones especially) to keep on trying. It's worth fighting the empty page. It's worth the hours of editing. It's worth the endless waiting and rejection, because eventually several things will happen.
1. Your writing will improve.
2. You'll make some wonderful new friends in the form of peers, mentors, and industry experts.
3. The rejections will lessen and you will find an editor that will want you to write for them. It might be a magazine article, an advice column, a short story, a poem, a book review, a novel, or a non-fiction book.
4. By believing in yourself, so will others.
5. You will get help. It might be signs from the universe, an answered prayer, a shoulder to cry on...someone will be there when you need them.
I know you didn't ask for it, but I'm going to offer some advice (free of charge). Pay it forward. I've met and worked with so many wonderful teachers and authors on this creative path.
We all have something unique to offer readers out there.
We share a common dream.
And we usually receive a little help along the way. So, whenever I can I help new writers. It might be a cup of coffee and a sympathetic ear, it might be publishing industry information I've learned, it might be resources or reviews or ideas. It might just be a smile or email that says: "I understand, don't be afraid to keep trying."
People that know me have heard me say, "There are angels among us." This I truly believe. And we writers aren't alone. There are other brothers and sisters on the same path, stumbling over the same ruts and rocks. And to think, we get to create new worlds filled with interesting characters and resolve that world's problems with the stroke of a computer key. That rocks!
1. Your writing will improve.
2. You'll make some wonderful new friends in the form of peers, mentors, and industry experts.
3. The rejections will lessen and you will find an editor that will want you to write for them. It might be a magazine article, an advice column, a short story, a poem, a book review, a novel, or a non-fiction book.
4. By believing in yourself, so will others.
5. You will get help. It might be signs from the universe, an answered prayer, a shoulder to cry on...someone will be there when you need them.
We all have something unique to offer readers out there.
We share a common dream.
And we usually receive a little help along the way. So, whenever I can I help new writers. It might be a cup of coffee and a sympathetic ear, it might be publishing industry information I've learned, it might be resources or reviews or ideas. It might just be a smile or email that says: "I understand, don't be afraid to keep trying."
People that know me have heard me say, "There are angels among us." This I truly believe. And we writers aren't alone. There are other brothers and sisters on the same path, stumbling over the same ruts and rocks. And to think, we get to create new worlds filled with interesting characters and resolve that world's problems with the stroke of a computer key. That rocks!
never give up,
pay it forward,
writer's life
Friday, January 17, 2014
Interview with Author Catherine Dilts by Jaqueline Seewald
To Catherine Dilts, rock shops are
like geodes – both contain amazing treasures hidden inside their plain-as-dirt
exteriors. Publishers Weekly calls her novel Stone Cold Dead – A Rock Shop
Mystery, an “enjoyable debut,” and that “readers will look forward to
seeing more of this endearing and strong protagonist.” Catherine works as an
environmental scientist, and plays at heirloom vegetable gardening, camping,
and fishing. She has published short fiction in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery
Magazine. Visit her at http://www.catherinedilts.com/
Question: What is the
title and genre of your novel? Why did
you select them?
Stone Cold Dead – A Rock Shop Mystery is an amateur sleuth murder
mystery. I hope using “stone” in the title reinforces the setting of the novel,
a rock shop filled with minerals and fossils. I wrote an amateur sleuth novel
because one bit of advice given to beginning writers is to write what you love
to read. I have an eclectic reading taste, but by far my favorite books are
cozies and amateur sleuth mysteries.
Question: What
inspired this novel? How did it come about?
On a trip to Moab ,
Utah , the idea for a novel
germinated at the same time that we visited a shop owned by a rockhound of
international renown. I hadn’t run across any mysteries set in a rock shop. I
wondered whether anyone would be interested in a mystery set in that rugged,
dusty environment, and learned that I’m not the only reader who loves rock
Question: Could you tell us a little bit about the heroine
and/or hero of your novel?
Answer: Another bit of writing advice is to write
what you know. I don’t know much about geology, and neither does my
protagonist, Morgan Iverson. I do know about empty nest syndrome and dramatic
mid-life changes. As a widow in her forties with grown children, Morgan finds
herself alone and far from home at a point in life when she thought her future
was secure. It can be difficult to switch gears from the wife and mother role. Morgan
has lost her sense of purpose, and needs to blaze a new trail in life.
Question: Can you tell us about some of your other
published novels or work?
Stone Cold Dead is my debut
novel. My short fiction appears in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. “The
Jolly Fat Man” was in the April 2013 issue, and “Tweens” will appear in the May
issue, on sale February 15, 2014 .
Question: What are you working on now?
Answer: I am writing book two in my rock shop mystery
Question: What made you start writing?
Boredom. My childhood summers were spent with relatives in rural South
Dakota . This was the era before cable TV and personal
computers. We played in the lake or explored the cornfields on nice days. When
it rained, we had to come up with our own entertainment. My siblings and I created
illustrated stories on sheets of typing paper, taped them together to form rolls,
then cut up cereal boxes to scroll the paper through, making our own movies.
Question: What advice would you offer to those who are
currently writing novels?
Number One - finish. I have seen too many writers fuss over
the first three chapters and never reach “the end.” If you have trouble shutting
off your internal editor in order to get that first rough draft completed,
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo - http://bit.ly/1dNpTrZ
) is a great exercise.
Number Two – let it rest. Once you think you are finished, set
your writing project aside for as long as you possibly can. If you do this for
even a week or two, and then go back to reread and edit, you’ll discover all
kinds of things to improve. Every time I have done this, the story has
Number Three – let your baby go. I have also seen writers
labor over the same manuscript for years, never actually reaching the “done”
moment. I believe many writers who have worked for newspapers or as technical
writers understand there’s a point where you have to be done enough.
Question: Where and when will readers be able to obtain
your novel?
Stone Cold Dead is available now in hardcover at independent bookstore
The Tattered Cover, as well as through Barnes & Noble. It is on Kindle and
in hardcover through Amazon.
Tattered Cover Book Store: http://bit.ly/IC97SG
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1bFVaQz
Amazon: http://amzn.to/18XVQiR
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/1bFVaQz
Amazon: http://amzn.to/18XVQiR
Comments and/or questions for Catherine are welcome here!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Writing Contests: Enter or Avoid? By Jacqueline Seewald
I've entered a number of writing
contests over the years. Some were worth the effort, some were not.
Some I won,
some I didn’t. On a positive note, winning writing contests can provide
recognition for writers. However, I discovered that I could be cheated if I
wasn't careful. There are some smooth operators out there. Their scams are
likely not illegal, but they are still to the detriment of writers.
Most writing
contests these days cost money to enter. Some of them ask quite a lot of money.
So naturally it’s wise to be wary. But even some of the “free contests” aren’t
really what they seem to be. You must read the contest rules and fine print
with care.
Some “free”
contests promise to put your work in an anthology. All you have to do is buy
the anthology. Some poetry and short story contests on the web offer a prize
for the best work. The catch? They reserve the right to archive your work in
perpetuity regardless of whether or not you have won the contest. So you will
never be able to sell that story or poem for first rights. And chances are no
one will accept it even as a reprint since it's now out there for free on the
Internet. This kind of contest is just a scam for a site to obtain free
content—your content! So read those rules carefully before you decide to submit
your work.
Be aware that you
need a statement as to how long a site intends to archive your work. Again, if
it's in perpetuity, you are out the reprints. And reprints can be lucrative. Even
print publications may insist on internet rights and display your work for all
to see. Make certain archiving rights are limited and that you have it in
With so many
contests out there, try to submit your work to publications that have been established
for at least several years. Many publications come and go, often folding before
you even receive payment for your winning work.
You’ve won a book
writing contest? Great! But book contracts can be tricky. The publisher may
demand all sorts of rights. Try to limit what you give away. For example, if
the publisher only does e-books, you shouldn’t be signing away audio and print
rights. If you can afford it, have a lawyer familiar with intellectual property
rights look the contract over for you.
The best thing at
this point is to contact a literary agent. Have another book ready for
consideration. Then it may be possible to have a literary agent represent you,
but be aware that the reputable ones are often harder to obtain than
publishers. The key here is to make certain that money is coming to you, not
the other way around. Never, ever pay an agent or publisher a cent up front.
Legitimate agents take a percentage, usually 10 to 15 percent of what you will
earn. Always remember that money must come to you as the author and not the
other way!
thing to check for, make certain that there is a time limit as to how long the
publisher can hold your book without publishing it. After two years without
publication, you want the rights to revert back to you.
I will share with
you some good news regarding a recent writing contest. I was one of the winners
of an Australian publisher’s romance writing contest receiving generous prize
money paid upfront. It was not an advance against royalties. THE CHEVALIER is
an historical romance set in Georgian England. I’m also happy to say that the
novel is now available on Kindle at a reasonable price:
and also available in all ebook
formats from the publisher:
Obviously, there are still some
good free contests out there for writers to enter!
For legitimate writing contests that don’t
charge fees, I have found some helpful
listings. Here are a few to examine:
http://www.writing-world.com (offers a
free monthly newsletter with all sorts of valuable info including contest listings)
http://www.erikadreifus.com/newsletter/current/ (another valuable monthly newsletter with a free subscription)
http://winningwriters.com/newsletter/public/2013/nl_public_1311.htm#.UoakPnCTiu0 (regularly lists free contests and rates them)
(lists freelance jobs and lots of free international writing
THE WRITER offers a
mixture of fee and non-fee contests:
The following websites provide
warnings or discussions of ways in which writers may be scammed:
SFWA's Writer Beware: http://www.sfwa.org/beware/
Preditors & Editors: http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/
SFWA's Writer Beware: http://www.sfwa.org/beware/
Preditors & Editors: http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/
What’s your opinion on this
subject? What experiences have you had with writing contests? Do you intend to
enter writing contests or avoid them?
Friday, January 3, 2014
Revising and . . . Revising
Every writer learns early on that writing is also rewriting
and revising—revising, revising, revising. No mss goes out to a publisher
without lots of revision, and then the editor sends the mss through another
series of edits. Once the mss is published, it becomes a book, a physical thing
to be held and passed around, or used as a coaster for that huge cup of morning
coffee, marked up and dog-eared and forgotten in the glove compartment of a
car. It is what it is and whatever was wrong with it will be wrong forever. If
you misspelled a street name in chapter 7, it will be misspelled for eternity,
or at least until every copy of your book falls apart. If you wince every time
you recall that Aunt Matilda swore a blue streak in chapter 11 because you
forgot to change the dialogue tag, you just have to learn to live with it. But
that may be changing.
It is very easy to put a book up on Kindle or Smashwords or
any of a number of sites that help writers publish their own books. And it’s
very easy to review the text and make sure that all the tabs have been removed,
the paragraphing and spacing are correct, and the chapter headings are in
place. Even after an eBook is live, if the author notices the paragraphing is
off, she can take down the eBook and make a correction. So, what does this mean
for revising?
I have never seen a contemporary novel revised from format
to format, such as hardcover to paperback, or paperback to large print, with
the exception of the occasional typo being corrected. But that may be changing.
If a book is published only as an eBook, almost anything is possible. I can
imagine the time when a writer decides a character should change his
explanation of an alibi, and the writer takes down the eBook and rewrites the
passage. The new version is uploaded, and this is now the eBook. There is no
record of the earlier version unless the writer keeps multiples records of the
mss. Let’s take this another step. Suppose the writer changes the ending, and
the villain in the first version becomes a bystander or innocent victim in the
second version. Is this the same book? How many changes can the writer make
before the book is a different book deserving of a different title?
I am new to the world of self-publishing, or indie
publishing as some now call it. I have had eight books published commercially,
both fiction and nonfiction, with another one due in May 2014. I have put all
my out-of-print books up on Kindle and other eBook sites, and self-published
one book in the Mellingham series. Last
Call for Justice is available in both eBook and paper format. Does that
mean that I can never make a change if I decide the murderer should have a
different motive? Suppose I want to change the opening scene? How much can I
change before the buyers of this book should be told that this version is
different from an earlier one, and therefore not the book that another reader
has recommended?

Could I take down the eBook and add scenes and subplots and
characters, and then repost it? How many, and what sort of, changes can a
writer make before the story must be considered a different one? When does the
book belong to the reader and not the writer? And what about reviews? When does
the review of the first version become irrelevant for the second or third?
I don’t know the answer to these questions, but they
intrigue me. If you have dealt with any of these questions, let me know. I’d
like to know how others are approaching these issues.
To learn more about Last
Call for Justice: A Mellingham Mystery, go here: http://amzn.com/0983600074
To learn more about Love
Takes a Detour, go here: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Takes-Detour-Stories-Backwoods-ebook/dp/B00GYDXBOO/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1388752240&sr=1-7&keywords=Susan+Oleksiw
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