Five Star/Gale currently provides opportunities to a number
of debut mystery writers. Today I am interviewing one of them who will have his
first novel published this month.
J. Michael Major is a member of
the Mystery Writers of America and the Horror Writers Association. His three
dozen stories have been published in such anthologies as DeathGrip 3: It Came From the Cinema and New Traditions in Terror, and such magazines as Hardboiled, Bare Bone, Pirate Writings,
Into the Darkness, Outer Darkness, Crossroads, and The Sterling
Web. He lives with his family outside of Chicago.
Question: What is the
title and genre of your novel? Why did
you select them?
The title of my novel is
One Man’s Castle, because a man’s home
is his castle, and the story is what happens in one man’s castle. It is a
suspense thriller, and I chose this genre because I find stories are more
exciting when ordinary people are thrust into extraordinary circumstances.
Question: What
inspired this novel? How did it come about?
The initial inspiration came from
reading a quote about Robert Bloch’s
and how it took the obvious villain and showed how a killer could be a friend
or neighbor instead. So I took it one step further and wondered: “What could
me a serial killer?” When I
realized I could never be one, I wondered what could make me
appear as one, and then the
possibilities started to open up. Meanwhile I noticed a lot of stories on the
news about how people were more concerned about the rights of criminals without
seeming to care about what happened to the victims and their families – and out
of that combination grew the main storyline of the novel.
Question: Could you tell us a little bit about the
heroine and/or hero of your latest novel?
Answer: Walter Buczyo is an angry man. Eight years
earlier, a burglar, Harris, killed his wife and a high profile attorney got
Harris’s sentence severely reduced on a technicality, and Walter lost his belief
in the justice system. After that, Walter kills subsequent burglars, but after
Harris returns and tries to murder him, Walter kills Harris instead. While
Walter is away from the house, the bodies of all the burglars are discovered in
Walter’s crawlspace, and Walter is on the run. Meanwhile, Detective Kevin
Riehle has to find and capture this supposed serial killer for his very first
case as senior partner, while he deals with a new partner and watching a family
friend descend into madness. I wanted to create a situation where the reader
roots for both Walter and the
detective, all the while asking: “What is justice?”
Question: Can you tell us about some of your other
published novels or work?
Answer: One
Man’s Castle is my first novel. Short stories and one novella (in the
anthology New Traditions in Terror)
comprise the remainder of my published work, with horror dominating most of
them. The Horror Writers Association has monthly market report listings, and
often the odd themes, combined with something I’ve seen on the news, inspires
me to write something. Or I turn an old theme inside out. That’s fun too.
Question: What are you working on now?
Answer: I am working on the next Riehle and
Capparelli novel, the detectives from One
Man’s Castle. I have also written a number of short stories and submitted
them to various anthologies. Writer’s
Digest also asked me to write an online blog, which I did, and hopefully
that will be appearing at the beginning of April.
Question: What made you start writing?
Mostly, it was the work of other
writers that inspired me. Reading Joe R. Lansdale, James Lee Burke, Ian Rankin,
Lawrence Block and Robert Crais made me say: “I want to do that!”
Question: What advice would you offer to those who are
currently writing novels?
Don’t wait for the muse to strike or
spend all your time reading “How To” books. Inspiration comes from sitting your
butt in a chair on a regular basis. Though rewarding, writing is hard work.
Just do it.
Question: Where and when will readers be able to obtain
your novel?
Though being released by Five Star
/Cengage in late March, the book will be readily available April 10, 2013 and
can be purchased from many places, the most obvious being Amazon and Barnes
& Noble. But the best place to check is my website It lists the
numerous bookstores, libraries and festivals I will be attending, as well as
direct links for
One Man’s Castle to
Amazon, B&N, and IndieBound books. There is also a very special link to
Brain Snacks Bookstore, where anyone can purchase signed copies of
One Man’s Castle and the amazing Sue
Petersen will ship it anywhere worldwide!
Comments and questions are appreciated from readers and
fellow authors. We look forward to hearing from you!