In romantic suspense, the mystery is secondary to the
romance. Plot focus is always on the romance while the mystery mostly offers a
plot device, usually ways to bring the hero and heroine closer together. In a romantic mystery, the love interest is secondary. The
mystery and finding its solution is the key plot factor. The romantic aspect
usually serves to provide added depth to the main character(s) and make them
more real to the reader.
In romantic suspense there is always a happy ending with the
couple united at the end in the love of their lives. In romantic mystery
novels, which are often part of a series like mine, that is not necessarily the
case--although it can be. Also in a romantic mystery series the main
protagonists are more like real people with their lives changing and their
character developing and evolving. Ideally, these novels are not static. That is one
reason a romantic mystery series can grow in popularity and recognition.

To celebrate the new large print edition of DEATH LEGACY
which can be requested at libraries everywhere, I’m offering an a.r.c., a print trade size copy of the novel, to someone
chosen at random. So please leave an e-mail address where you can be reached
along with your comment.
Now back to the original question: does crossed genre
fiction work for you? Why or why not?
Cross-genre novels are usually my favorite to read (and write). I think there is the potential for to get past the expected in unusual ways. Congrats on the large print edition!
Very nice blog, Jacquie. I like novels that cross genres. Mine have been called everything from romantic suspense to romantic mystery to romantic action-adventure. I like that! Congrats on those great reviews. I look forward to reading your latest.
As another writer of books that cross genres, I can speak to this topic. Jacquie is right on target about the differences between romantic mysteries and romantic suspense.
In general, I've found that my romance readers are more likely to cross over to read my mysteries rather than the other way around. With there being so many veins of romance out there, fans are willing to go anywhere for a love story. However, died in the wool mystery fans, in general, seem to prefer their mysteries undiluted with romance.
Those statements aren't absolutes, of course, but as long as readers know what they're getting, either from an author or a certain genre, they are more likely to be satisfied by the read.
If you're thinking to write a cross-genre book, be sure and say that in the labels, tags, or other descriptors for the work. That advice is worth about two cents, probably less if inflation hits.
Nice post, Jacquie!
I cross genres often, and always have a bit of romance in my mysteries. I don't agree that the love element in a romantic suspense is more important than the suspense or mystery element. Both must be present and intertwine to work.
I still wonder about labeling the last installments of my romance series that ended up having as much mystery in them as suspense. I think they ended up as Romantic Suspense, yet my review from Publishers Weekly called one a "sweet cozy mystery" Your blog is thought provoking and a truly interesting post. I'll definitley sign up for that free copy.
Jenny, Christy, Marilyn, Maggie and Mary,
Thank you all for the wonderful, intelligent comments you've posted here!
I remember trying to limit a book to one genre. Mixing and matching was forbidden. It was like balancing on a high wire, teetering a little too far one way or another. I am glad publishers loosened up, and think it was due to demand from both readers and writers. We are an awesome, if disorganized, bunch.
Like my writing, I don't want my reading trapped by constraints. I read a lot and really enjoy cross-genre books. They usually provide a diverse and interesting story.
Hi, Sharon,
It's great not to have to worry about fitting a writing "formula." There are still publishers who demand it, of course, but you're right, writing restrictions have loosened allowing for more creativity.
Frankly, I'd never heard of romantic mysteries before. I thought all romances with mystery or suspense in them were called romantic suspense. It's confusing that things are reversed in these two designations. If a romantic suspense is a romance with suspense, shouldn't a romantic mystery be a romance with a mystery? I'm glad you pointed this out because I'm much more apt to read a mystery with some romance than the other way around. I'm a happy reader when the emphasis is on the mystery or suspense. A little romance in the story is nice, but doesn't interest me as much as a good mystery does. Which is why I write mainly mysteries, but some do have some romance in them. Most, in fact. But not at all in the way of a typical category romance does.
Hi, Leigh,
I'm of a similar opinion. I enjoy mystery and romance and don't mind when the two are mixed together. The main thing--well-developed characters in an interesting plot.
Hi, Jan,
At one time, romances were just that. Now there's more meat on the bones so to speak. As to mysteries, it's great to have characters that are more lifelike and that includes elements of romance.
You raise some interesting questions. My guess is that publishers care about categories more than readers do--and since publishers care, writers have to care.
Hi Jacqueline. As usual, you've written a thought-provoking post. I once had a NY publisher tell me there was no shelf in the store for a humorous romantic mystery. He wanted me to take the romance out. I know my fans enjoy the sexual tension I've created between my protagonist and her detective. At this point in my life, I'll write what my fans and I enjoy reading. I'm also seeing far more genre crossing lately and I definitely approve.
Your definitions are right on the mark. My Bad Hair Day series are romantic mysteries. They fit the puzzle requirements for a cozy with a romantic subplot.
As for mixing genres, I am more likely to do so with my romance novels. My current Drift Lords series blends adventure, romance, sci fi, fantasy with elements of Norse mythology.
I tend to believe that cross-genre books are harder to sell.
I don't worry that much about genre - cross or otherwise except for those I choose not to read - period. Same for writing - a good story is my goal, reading or writing. www.dkchristi.com author of Ghost Orchid and more
Good, thoughtful post, Jacquie. Even though you're technically crossing genres, it's not a wide bridge, in my thinking, since you're roughly in a mystery mode whether the romance succeeds or not. I enjoy all the genres you mention, and truly have no problem crossing--though some may. The big jump, which I want to write about one day is crossing into a wholly mainstream mode--no mystery, murder, thriller novel at all. I've tried it, with only moderate success. Many fans like the "same old." Anyway, thanks for this!
I very much appreciate the thoughts expressed here by fellow authors.
I notice that authors who consistently write in the same genre may have more trouble convincing readers to consider their crossed genre work. If as a reader you're expecting a humorous romance, for instance, you might be upset to find yourself faced with dark horror. So the point is well-taken that work needs clear identifiers.
Jacquie, a thought-provoking post and interesting responses. Like Jan, I'm more interested in mysteries than romance, but appreciate some sexual/romantic tension.
Like Jan, I'm more of a mystery fan.
I didn't even know there was a specific genre for romantic mystery until reading your blog post. If there was no "resolution" to the romance at the end, I've always put it in the mystery category. If there was a "resolution" to the romance at the end, I've always put it in the romantic suspense category. Now, I find out I've been wrong all this time.
Life gets so confusing!
Nice post. I think it works because it makes the story more interesting.
Thanks for all the interest and good comments!
I want to add a comment in regard to separating romantic suspense from romantic mystery. A romantic suspense novel definitely puts the romance ahead of the mystery. However, there's no reason that romantic suspense can't have a quality mystery in the plot line. But the romance always has priority.
In a romantic mystery, there's romantic and or sexual tension. However, the mystery is most important to the plot, the romance is secondary. That's why a romantic mystery can continue.
Hi Jacqueline,
Thanks for the thoughtful article. I especially like your comment:
"The main thing--well-developed characters in an interesting plot."
As you point out, romantic mysteries (which I write, too) provide the opportunty to develop character(s)because traits are amplified by the puzzle and danger of a mystery.
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