Before writing The Tapestry Shop, I visited museums in France , where I found artifacts
that enriched my novel, set in the thirteenth century. In a museum I saw some
of the tools they used in the Middle Ages, as well as everyday items like a
lady’s comb. What fascinated me about the comb was that the upper part, where
the teeth were attached, was made of tin. This was their mirror. This same comb
plays a part in my novel, when Catherine sees her mother’s face in the tin
While writing my Ebook about Julia Augustii (written under pen name Elizabeth Elson), I got out some photos I'd taken in the Roman Forum, because Julia's life and her affair with Marc Anthony's son took place in that vicinity. You can actually see parts of her stepmother's house a few steps from the Forum.
Fine, you say. But
I can’t make it to London
to research my Regency! Not to worry. You can browse parts of the Smithsonian,
even online. I keep a list of online sites, set down as to category and time
period. When I’m in a hurry, I just throw them in my Favorites folder and sort
them later. And now, with Google Earth, you can type in a geographical location followed by the word "library" (not in quotes) and get their contact information. There is even a handy translator at the top, in case you can't read the language. You can "Ask a Librarian" in most countries, just like you can here, and get back an answer.
Aside from the
internet, SCA events, like reenactments, are great places to see what life was
really like before modern times. Best of all, keep reading books written by
authors who write in your time period. Chances are they have done their
homework, and can save you a lot of time, but it never hurts to double-check
the facts before sending your book out into the world.
You list some good resources for those who can not travel to foreign lands for research. Fortunately, for me, my settings for historical novels are early American.
Researching can be a lot of fun, but you do have to eventually go back to the blank page. Thanks for the post, good information for authors.
Hi, Joyce,
Your research suggestions are wonderfully helpful and make good sense. Thanks for posting this information!
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