Interview with Pamela S. Thibodeaux
by Jacqueline Seewald
Today at Author Expressions I’m interviewing Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux, Co-Founder and a Lifetime Member of Bayou Writers Group. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!”™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”
Question: What is the genre of your novel? Why did you select it?
Answer: The Visionary is my debut inspirational women’s fiction novel and the inspirational genre chose me when I recommitted my life & committed my writing to Christ. Before that fateful day in 1989, I wrote straight-out romance.
Question: Could you tell us a little bit about the heroine and hero of your new novel?
Answer: Actually Jacqueline, there are two h/h in this novel. Twins Trevor & Taylor Forrestier (pronounced Foresjay) are the main characters along with their sweethearts Pam LeBlanc and Alex Broussard.
Question: What inspired this novel? How did it come about?
Answer: When I initially wrote this story, I thought it would be a light, sweet romance. But one day, a friend read the first few chapters and remarked that I should be careful of the ‘closeness’ of the twins. Well, twins are normally close, but further discussion with her and other beta reader, revealed a closeness not considered ‘normal’ but extreme. Well as a writer, that put me on a quest to find out what had happened to or between the twins to make them cling so tightly to one another and not let other people into their world. What came out of those questions both humbled and scared the daylights out of me as I’d heard about such abuse toward children but never experienced such treatment, much less explored the true depth and meaning of the healing available through the awesome power of God’s love to the most wounded of souls.
Question: Can you tell us about some of your other published novels?
Answer: Currently I have five other novels (4-part Tempered series & The Inheritance) along with five short stories published and available for readers to enjoy. Blurbs and reviews of all can be found at my website http://pamelathibodeaux.com/
Question: What made you start writing?
Answer: I’ve always been an avid reader but didn’t consider writing until, in my early twenties and pregnant I read one-too-many insipid, boring and disappointing romances. Thinking I could do better turned out to be not only the catalyst to my writing career, but a mite arrogant as writing and writing well are at two totally different ends of the spectrum.
Question: What advice would you offer to those who are currently writing novels?
Answer: Don’t give up and don’t quit. Writing is a gift – a talent given to you from God. Don’t hide your gift or bury your talent. If the novel isn’t moving, try writing something different – a short story, article, poem or essay. Take a break if you have to or even a hiatus but don’t quit.
Question: Where and when will readers be able to obtain your new novel?
Answer: The Visionary (released Nov 16th) is available through Amazon & Barnes & Noble.
Pamela, I’d like to conclude this interview by congratulating you on your recent interview with Romantic Times. It’s quite a coup. I expect many readers will want to read
your unique novel. Are there questions or comments for Pam? Please feel free to join the discussion.
by Jacqueline Seewald
Today at Author Expressions I’m interviewing Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux, Co-Founder and a Lifetime Member of Bayou Writers Group. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!”™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”
Question: What is the genre of your novel? Why did you select it?
Answer: The Visionary is my debut inspirational women’s fiction novel and the inspirational genre chose me when I recommitted my life & committed my writing to Christ. Before that fateful day in 1989, I wrote straight-out romance.
Question: Could you tell us a little bit about the heroine and hero of your new novel?
Answer: Actually Jacqueline, there are two h/h in this novel. Twins Trevor & Taylor Forrestier (pronounced Foresjay) are the main characters along with their sweethearts Pam LeBlanc and Alex Broussard.
Question: What inspired this novel? How did it come about?
Answer: When I initially wrote this story, I thought it would be a light, sweet romance. But one day, a friend read the first few chapters and remarked that I should be careful of the ‘closeness’ of the twins. Well, twins are normally close, but further discussion with her and other beta reader, revealed a closeness not considered ‘normal’ but extreme. Well as a writer, that put me on a quest to find out what had happened to or between the twins to make them cling so tightly to one another and not let other people into their world. What came out of those questions both humbled and scared the daylights out of me as I’d heard about such abuse toward children but never experienced such treatment, much less explored the true depth and meaning of the healing available through the awesome power of God’s love to the most wounded of souls.
Question: Can you tell us about some of your other published novels?
Answer: Currently I have five other novels (4-part Tempered series & The Inheritance) along with five short stories published and available for readers to enjoy. Blurbs and reviews of all can be found at my website http://pamelathibodeaux.com/
Question: What made you start writing?
Answer: I’ve always been an avid reader but didn’t consider writing until, in my early twenties and pregnant I read one-too-many insipid, boring and disappointing romances. Thinking I could do better turned out to be not only the catalyst to my writing career, but a mite arrogant as writing and writing well are at two totally different ends of the spectrum.
Question: What advice would you offer to those who are currently writing novels?
Answer: Don’t give up and don’t quit. Writing is a gift – a talent given to you from God. Don’t hide your gift or bury your talent. If the novel isn’t moving, try writing something different – a short story, article, poem or essay. Take a break if you have to or even a hiatus but don’t quit.
Question: Where and when will readers be able to obtain your new novel?
Answer: The Visionary (released Nov 16th) is available through Amazon & Barnes & Noble.
Pamela, I’d like to conclude this interview by congratulating you on your recent interview with Romantic Times. It’s quite a coup. I expect many readers will want to read
your unique novel. Are there questions or comments for Pam? Please feel free to join the discussion.
Thank you so much, Jacqueline for hosting me during the month-long blog tour with The Visionary!
Readers can visit each stop and leave a comment for their name to be entered into a drawing for an autographed copy of The Visionary to be given away at the end of the tour.
Once again Thank You & God Bless!
Thanks for being our guest today at Author Expressions. We love having you. I expect there will be comments and questions for you from other writers as well as readers.
I enjoyed the interview on many levels. Pam, I so agree with you that "Writing is a gift..." and it's one I hope I pay homage to with every word sent into the universe.
Thanks, ladies.
Interesting interview, Pamela and Jacquie. I, too, agree that writing is a gift. And, Pamela, I began writing for the very reason you did and found out the exact same thing as you. I look forwarding to reading your latest.
I agree. If you have any writing urge, nurture it and don't give up. The more you write, the more you learn.
Morgan Mandel
I wish you many sales on The Visionary, Pam. You deserve all the accolades you're getting from reviewers. Good luck finishing up your blog tour.
this sounds like a great book, Pam. I've always been fascinated with twins. They occur in my lineage 3 or 4 generations back. I always hoped I'd have twins, but I had my hands full with the single births! God bless the mothers of multiples.
Best wishes!
Maggie Toussaint
Wow, I checked the box for these comments to be sent to my email address but evidently something went wrong. Email showed nothing then I drop by to find all you lovely people here LOL!
Thanks Betty, Christy, Morgan & Stacey for your comments and best wishes. I agree, Maggie, God bless mothers of multiples LOL - mine were 4 yrs apart and that was enough for me :-)
All of your names are entered in the hat to win an autographed copy of The Visionary.
Want more chances to win? Visit each tour stop along the way (list on my blog http://pamswildroseblog.blogspot.com)
Thanks again Friends! Good luck to each of you & God Bless.
Hi, Pam, I liked your comments about the closeness of the twins. Isn't it fun when a friend points out something about your book you hadn't even realized was there? Makes you dig into yourself to find out what you wanted to say. Thanks, Jacquie, for another interesting interview. Liz
Enjoyed the interview. As a mother of twins, I was especially intrigued by the story line. I'm guessing we'll have to read the book to find out about the abuse you alluded to. LOL
I'm reading The Postcard Murders at the moment and it also works on a theme about twins.
Yes, I love it Elizabeth when someone sees something in my story I hadn't realized might be there and trust me when I say the digging can get you in a heap of hot water --- especially when you're writing for God because it's HIS story, not mine.
I've always loved the idea of twins Maryann, but never blessed with them - I think it takes a special person to handle 2 babies at the same time. The abuse these twins suffered was horrid but God's grace is sufficient.
Sounds like a good read Jacqueline.
Thank you all for commenting! Your name is in the hat for an autographed copy of the book.
Hi Pam. What a fascinating interview. I enjoyed hearing about your journey and the discoveries you've made along the way. I now have a new book to add to my TBR pile. Congratulations.
I don't understand why anyone would question twins being close. That seems odd to me. It sounds like a great book!
Loved the Interview! And I can truthfully say that this book is a great read. Its emotionally endearing, and the characters will remain unforgettable long after you finish it. Pamela, you did a beautiful job with the "subject".
Wishing you many Sales to share this story with others.
Hugs, Kari Thomas, www.authorkari.com
It never ceases to amaze me Cindy, the things God shows me in the course of a book.
I didn't understand either D'Ann, especially with the first comment but when others commented also, it made me wonder and ask questions and the answers astounded me.
Thank you so much Kari, for your support. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading The Visionary - your review was lovely.
Thank you ALL for commenting! Your names are in the hat for an autographed copy.
I would love to win a copy. I haven't had this exact experience, but I've heard if you have 7 women in a group, 4 of them were molested as children.
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