I hope I'm not stepping on any toes, in this case, fingers, with this blog, because this is the day after the subject of the post. It is a Thanks Giving and others may have written about the holiday. All else aside, I feel quite strongly about this prayer and hope others will view it kindly, even though you may not pray to the same higher power.
Prayer of Gratitude
Thank you,Lord, for all your gifts of love, especially for those we often overlook
Thank you for friends- to increase our love for You.
Thank you for enemies - to increase our tolerance.
Thank you for joys and happiness - to strengthen our faith in you.
Thank you for trials and tribulations - to strengthen our courage and perseverance.
Thank you for times when all goes well - to teach us serenity.
Thank you for days when things are rough - to teach us patience.
Thank you for our successes - to teach us confidence.
Thank you for our failures - to increase our humility.
Thank you for the "ups" and "downs" of life.
Thank you Lord for the precious gift of life itself.
Help us to continue to grow and to learn, to love, and to be grateful.
Comfort us when we are disturbed;disturb us when we become too comfortable.
Thank you, Lord, for being by our side.
Enough said!
Friday, November 27, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
What we can learn from scholarly E-books
Recently I attended a University of Illinois seminar on digital advances in the humanities. The seminar, courtesy of a collaborative publication series, “Women in Print: Value-added E-books and New Digital Collaborations.” It was co-sponsored by our University of Illinois Press, the University Library, The Rare Book Room, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and several other departments. The seminar featured several specialists from these units, plus History and Graphic Design, talking about how to enhance materials in the humanities.
For scholarly publications, some of the issues were how to put transcriptions side-by-side with original manuscript facsimiles and make the web interface user-friendly. Speakers discussed typefaces, amount of white space on a page, and free distribution of scholarly materials using multiple online channels.
All this stuff is relevant to the production of mysteries.
As authors, we usually count on our publishers to make decisions about the appearance of our books online. The publisher chooses font, alignment, background, scrolling options, etc. As consumers, these decisions have consequences: how tired your eyes get from scrolling or flipping pages or how frustrated you are when a digital platform doesn’t work the way you expect.
A note on cover design (especially if you design your own): make sure it is legible in thumbnail size! That is how potential readers see it first, until they make the decision to click on the cover for a larger version.
Last but not least, make sure you know what your book looks like on a smartphone vs. a laptop vs. a tablet.
The other takeaway for me from this seminar was a better understanding of how graphic design and electronic formatting can make or break a book, non-fiction or fiction, and why digital books won’t necessarily be much cheaper than print if you employ professionals.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Being Thankful for our Readers

Personally, I think all the best conversations happen over meals. Family and food just seem to go together in our society.
As authors we need to remember to Thank our Readers. Without them we would have no success at all. So, when you're blessing the food, family, friends and good health, add readers to the list.
We Authors want to Thank You, Dear Readers:
- For your interest in our stories.
- For telling your friends about our books.
- For posting reviews on-line.
- For buying copies of our books as gifts.
- For asking your library to stock our books.
- For arranging for us to visit with your church group, book club, bookstore, sorority, library, school, etc.
- For friend-ing us on social media and "liking" our posts.
To find out more about Bonnie Tharp go to http://bdtharp.com.
Bonnie Tharp,
giving thanks,
Friday, November 13, 2015
Five Tips for a Successful Library Event
Mystery author
Catherine Dilts is our guest blogger today. To Catherine, rock shops are like
geodes – both contain amazing treasures hidden inside their plain-as-dirt
exteriors. Publishers Weekly calls
her novel Stone Cold Dead: A Rock Shop
Mystery, an “enjoyable debut,” and that “readers will look forward to
seeing more of this endearing and strong protagonist.” Catherine works as an
environmental tech, and plays at heirloom vegetable gardening, camping, and
fishing. Her short fiction is published in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.
Visit her at www.catherinedilts.com
and on Goodreads.
Five Tips for a Successful Library Event
By Catherine Dilts
I grew up in a family of intense library users. My siblings
competed to discover the most delightful next book by browsing the shelves. As
an adult, I still use my local library. One of my “made it” moments, when I
felt I was an honest-to-goodness author, was seeing my book on a library shelf.
Naturally, I was thrilled to be invited to participate in a
library author event. I’m still a relative newbie. I only have three events
under my belt, with a fourth coming November 14. Still, I have accumulated five
tips for authors to enjoy a successful library event.
Use a wheeled cart. College students use them
for textbooks, grannies for groceries. I dug one out of our garage. There was
plenty of room to strap down a box of books, my promo materials, purse,
sweater, and snack. No multiple trips to the parking lot. No sore arms and
back. This low technology tool is a lifesaver.
Do your homework. What type of event are you
attending? Will you be speaking, or sitting at a table waiting for readers to
pass by? May you set up a poster or decorate a table? Are you the focus of
attention, or will dozens of authors share the spotlight? Every event I attend,
someone has a clever table covering or eye-catching display. I’ll be ready next
time! Read the emails and instructions for your event. Be prepared.
Sales. Will you be allowed to sell your books?
Who will handle sales – the library, a bookseller, or you? Do you need to bring
books for consignment? How many books should you bring?
Quantity. I suggest bringing plenty of books,
but leave the majority in your vehicle. Oh happy day if you need to run to your
vehicle for more. My experience, as a new author in small town libraries, is
that a dozen books is optimistic. I hope your experience is wildly different!
Transactions. If sales are your responsibility,
be aware that few people write checks or carry cash. I intend to look into the
Square, a device to charge credit and debit cards using your smart phone or
Talk to librarians and volunteers. Let them know
you appreciate being invited to participate in their event. Verify that the
library carries your book.
Talk to the patrons. For some, this might be
their first experience speaking with a real live author. If they are hesitant
to purchase your book, encourage them to check it out from the library.
Talk to other authors. You might pick up helpful
promotional ideas, learn about another library event, or make a new friend.
Be realistic.
About sales. You are in a library, where patrons
are accustomed to reading for free. You may not sell a lot of books, but you
might gain fans.
About attendance. Library events, I am told,
typically do not generate crowds. The ones I have participated in have been
well attended. I think the difference is in how well the event is promoted. You
can help. Invite friends and family. Use social media to get the word out. Give
your co-workers fliers. Libraries are more open to future events when attendance
justifies their expense and use of resources.
I have participated in two meet and greet events with dozens
of authors. Another event was a mini-writers conference. The next event on my
calendar is a three author workshop. Every venue and every event is different.
Participation in some is by invitation only. Others seek applications from
authors. Each exposes me to potential new fans, but perhaps more importantly,
they offer me a chance to give back to libraries and librarians.
Now that I’ve made the case for library events, how do you
get in on one?
Check your local library’s website, call, or
talk to someone in person. Depending on the size of the library, they may have
a staff member dedicated to special events. At the very least, there will be a staff
member in charge of the event.
Talk to other writers. Writing groups often have
Yahoo loops where people share information about events. That’s how I learned
about the first library event I participated in.
Have you attended a library author event? Participated in
one? Are you a librarian who has hosted an event? I would love to hear your
experiences and suggestions.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Level Best Books and New Beginnings by Susan Oleksiw
This weekend marks a major shift in the life of New England
writers of short fiction. The new Level Best Books anthology, Red Dawn, will be launched at Crime
Bake, November 6-8, a mystery conference in Dedham, MA. The four editors have
worked diligently to keep the anthology alive and successful, but after seven
years, it's time for them to put down their pens (or unplug their computers),
and move on to other interests. But this is not the end of Level Best. The
current editors are turning over the anthology to a new group, several of whom
are known to the current and previous editors.
Kate Flora, Skye Alexander, and I co-founded Level Best
Books in 2003, and settled the details over lunch at a restaurant in
Gloucester. We were full of enthusiasm and ideas, and our optimism was
infectious. After a wobbly first effort, the annual anthology took off. (Our first cover, remembered by no one else but me, was replaced but the design you see at left, thanks to Skye).
The Level Best Books anthologies quickly became one of the rare opportunities for writers to publish short crime fiction
in a paper, and accessible, format. Skye moved to Texas and Ruth McCarty joined us. Together, we published seven anthologies, and shared
the work on an eighth. We arranged panels and talks around the region, traveled to other states to reach writers from as wide an area as possible, in order to feel LBB was truly a New England publication. We were proud of including writers from all six New England states most of the time. Working on LBB anthologies was some of the best fun I've ever had as a writer, and we were always proud of the result. But this was work and we came to the end of the line. It was time to let go.

But, in what is now a tradition, they found a group interested in continuing the LBB anthologies, and soon there will be a third cast of editors.
The transition from the first to the second group of editors
was remarkably seamless and layered with good will and optimism. The new
editors modified the design, maintained the same commitment to a mix of new
and established writers, and launched new efforts to conduct panels and use other
promotions to get the word out about the writers and the anthologies. When they came to the point of knowing it was time to end, they
graciously let us, the previous editors, know and set about finding a new
This weekend, at Crime Bake, I look forward to meeting some
of the new editors, since I seem to be the only one of the eight previous
editors who hasn't met any of the incoming ones. I'm looking forward to it, and
also to seeing the Level Best Books anthologies continue to thrive as a place
for New England writers to showcase their work.
The Crime Bake editors are also announcing the change in ownership today. You can read their news and who the new editors will be at the link below. If you're attending Crime Bake, you can even meet some of them.
The Crime Bake editors are also announcing the change in ownership today. You can read their news and who the new editors will be at the link below. If you're attending Crime Bake, you can even meet some of them.
A final word. When Kate and Skye and I talked over lunch that day in Gloucester, I had no idea how far LBB would travel. I only wanted to do an anthology of short fiction. Thanks to everyone who wrote and sent stories, and those who bought the books and passed them around, LBB now has a life of its own. So forgive my sentimentality and pride as I watch LBB enter another stage in its life.
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