"Way down deep, we're all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them."
~Jim Davis
"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne
It takes a lot of courage to stay motivated as an author. With the popularity and availability of self-publishing and e-publishing many more authors have the opportunity to get their stories out there.
Now there is more competition than ever before. There are fewer traditional publishers (they've been gobbled up). Millions of books are being published each year but only a dozen authors are millionaires and a small percentage of the rest make a living with their writing.
Why do we do it? Because we're story tellers. We're compelled to write, not one book, but another and another, and so on. It is our craft, our passion and defines who we are.
For centuries artists, scholars, scribes - by whatever name you use to describe us - have gone to the page to create. That page may be paper or computer screen, but it is still a blank canvas for us to show you what happens.
It is said that everyone has a story inside them. I can see that. But many never write the story down or it's never complete. It takes courage to follow the story to the end. It takes motivation to fill the empty vessel.
We sometimes feel afraid to proceed. The "What if" question is not only a story tool, but it's an impediment to the writer.
"What if no one will publish it?"
"What if readers don't like what I have to say?"
"What if I can't find the words to finish the story?"
There are so much more to writing than just having an idea. The expression of that idea, the investment in the characters, plot and flow that we have to make is like child birth. Something wonderful is happening inside and someday it will be mature enough to breathe on its own. It takes months and months (sometimes years) to be ready for the world. Before it is born we'll nurture it and build it up so that it can stand alone in the world. Then we'll tell everyone we know (and even those we don't know) how beautiful our baby is - and hope that the world will agree.
We can't be afraid. We must write. We must tell the story.
Bonnie Tharp’s novel, Feisty Family Values was
published by Five Star Publishing in hardback and released in February
2010. Patchwork Family was
released in paperback by Bell Books Publishing in March of 2014. You can
find out more about Bonnie & her books at http://bdtharp.com.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
When a Computer Stares at You by June Shaw
Today Author Expressions is pleased to welcome as our guest blogger veteran author June Shaw. Her writing is well-known to fans of both mystery and romance novels. And now here's June!
What do you do if you get
to your computer, ready to become “The Next Greatest Author in the World”—and
all it will do is stare back at you?
Your fingers want to
touch the keyboard and start striking keys that will make the story you’re
creating work well in all areas. You must start in the exact place that will
draw readers in. Your very first word and first line must be perfect. Make
readers care. Doesn’t something have to happen right there, something that’s
going to ensure that they won’t put your book down until the last sentence, and
they’ll be shouting, “I want more!”
Certainly you need to
create characters who fly off the page, who your readers will care about and
not want to leave. They have to be perfect. No, actually they shouldn’t. Your
main characters must be likeable but with flaws (so you can’t think of any?
Look around, or inside yourself.) Your female lead has to be beautiful (if
you’re writing romance), and a striking alpha male would go with her. Mysteries
will give you much more leeway for creating people. You’re going to want
interesting secondary characters, but only in longer works. Short stories won’t
allow space for developing them, even if they start to become so interesting
that they’re creeping into the most important spot and taking over your work.
If that happens, what will you do with those people? Toss them out like candy
wrappers? Consider using them as main characters in another story? So then
which story will you begin working on now?
Besides these people,
your novel will need a well-balanced plot. This story line will have to race
and peak at certain parts and in other places let readers catch their breaths,
but just for a second, before you race toward the showdown and slam on the brakes
at the end.
After you complete this
one-of-a-kind yet not too different masterpiece, you’ll have to let it sit. How
long? Half an hour? Two days? A week while you take a well-earned cruise, until
you remember you can’t afford one?
Whenever you can’t stand
the wait any longer, you get back to your work of art. Only this time,
something’s happened to that first sentence. Surely someone hacked into your
computer and replaced your enticing draw with dull words. You yourself wouldn’t
read beyond this, so what can you do? Start all over of course. Decide that
your whole work must have poured out of your fingers well before your first cup
of java reached your system, and all of the words you jotted must be thrown
away and new ones put in? Or possibly you can force yourself to read the entire
work again, this time making your soul bleed while you struggle to improve each
word before you type it, all the while knowing that after you finish many
drafts of this work, you will need other eyes (that don’t belong to your
family) to decide whether these readers agree that it’s good.
Or should you plot before
you start? When your fingers are striving to hit the first word in your tome,
should you draw them back and make them wait? Possibly if you use a pen and
legal pad, you could see where to begin your story and where peak and valleys
might go. But a pencil and notebook might work better so that you can erase and
feel more like you did when you were accomplishing so much back in school.
Maybe you should just
wait awhile till an idea strikes. Surely a better idea than the one touching
your mind will come up next week. A month from now will give you time to
consider what type story or novelette or novel you really should write.
You have one major
decision to make. Do you want to be a writer?
If so, then when that
blank screen that wants the first page of your book or the first sentence of
your next chapter stares at you, instead of just staring back at it, you will
do something, something that will further the writing career you chose. Write a
word. Make a list. Come up with names if you must. Jot down all the awful
things that could possibly happen to make your character’s life miserable, even
all those that don’t make sense. See which ideas excite you, and go with them.
Or set your fingers on
your computer keys and begin typing. Write a title or a sentence to start or go
on from where you stopped. They can be changed later.
Keep typing.
The thing to remember is
you wanted to write. You’re stronger than a blank page, no matter how
threatening it may look. What comes later might seem overwhelming, but won’t be
if you start. Keep going. Strike those keys. Beat that screen. You will thank
yourself for being a winner.
Thank you, June! Anyone with questions or comments for our guest author, please feel free.
You can also find out more about June and her novels at: http://www.juneshaw.com/
Author Expressions blog,
June Shaw
Friday, August 8, 2014
August Heat: Summer Reading Recommendations by Jacqueline Seewald
Last month, I blogged on the topic of summer reading. This month I want to take that a step further. With people
going on vacation, sitting at beaches, pools and on cruise ships, many
individuals enjoy relaxing with a good book. And there certainly are a lot of
them being published. So I’ll suggest several novels I’ve read so far this
summer and particularly liked. I’m asking that you join me in suggesting books
that you recently enjoyed reading—or your own novels if you’re a fellow author.
My husband and I both
appreciated John Grisham’s SYCAMORE ROW. I left a review for the novel on
Goodreads and Amazon. This novel is supposed to be a sequel to the critically
well-reviewed A TIME TO KILL. In my opinion, it’s even stronger. Grisham’s
greatest talent is in writing beginnings with a powerful narrative hook. But
this novel never wavers throughout. Characterization and plotting are
excellent. You simply don’t want to put the book down. It’s a serious,
thoughtfully written novel.
Another novel that we both
enjoyed and just finished reading is THE CHASE by Janet Evanovich and Lee
Goldberg. This is a fast-paced humorous caper which follows THE HEIST, another
O’Hare/Nicolas Fox novel. Yes, the plot is outrageous and improbable but it’s
still fun. We enjoyed both books in this new series, but I think THE CHASE is
the better of the two. The series is gathering steam and I hope it continues.
I’ll also recommend my own
most recent books:
The fourth Kim Reynolds
mystery THE BAD WIFE (and yes, she is very, very bad!) was published by Perfect
Crime Books. It is available both in print and e-book editions. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J6PCKVW
My Regency romance TEA LEAVES AND TAROT CARDS received an
excellent blurb endorsement from Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick which appears on
the cover of that novel, published both as a hardcover from Five Star/Gale and
in large print from Thorndike Press. Mary Balogh also read this novel and
offered helpful editorial suggestions prior to publication. SteameReads has published
this novel in a newly edited e-book formats. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JFHMXWW
I won SteameReads “Some Like
It Hot” romance novel writing contest with my sensual Georgian romance THE
CHEVALIER. That novel was published and is also available in all e-book
formats. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GY95RTU/
My “clean read” YA novel THE
DEVIL AND DANNA WEBSTER was recently published as an e-book in all formats
by Astraea Press. This YA novel is a good reading experience for mothers and
daughters to share. It’s not just for teens. Although a romance, it's also a
coming-of-age novel, the main theme being family values.
Finally, I will mention my book of short stories, BEYOND THE
BO TREE, published as an e-book by Authentic Press. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DTV0750
I collected together some of my best diverse stories for
reader enjoyment. The first story in the group is a free read.
Okay, now here’s your
opportunity to share the books you think will make for good summer reading. Don’t
be shy! Comments/suggestions are welcome here.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Finding the Story in the Experience

I always stay in the same hotel in Kovalam, India, and, if
I'm lucky, the same room. From the terrace I can see the ocean, beaches, people
passing by, and, best of all, the men climbing to harvest coconuts. I've been
watching this process since 1976, when the climbers visited the lots across the
street from where we lived in Trivandrum. But only from the terrace of a hotel have
I managed to get photographs that show the work of the harvester.
The government of India is concerned that fewer and fewer
men are taking up this profession, despite good pay for good climbers. The
government has invited ideas to make climbing easier for newcomers interested
in the job, but most of the ideas have been as foolish as the climbers are
agile. Inventors have proposed special ladders, cherry-picking machines, and
the like. Their emphasis is on safety, which is understandable. Still, the
equipment is absurd compared to what humans can do, and would be almost
impossible to use in many locations where the trees are growing.
Traditional climbers use only a band made from a strand of
the palm leaf to anchor their feet. They climb three and four stories with
nothing but their physical strength to keep them on the trunk of the palm tree.
And they carry a machete at their waist. These knives are heavy to carry and to
wield. At the top of the tree they hold themselves in place with one hand and
cut down the coconuts with the knife in the other.
I've watched these men climb and harvest since 1976, but not
until I began talking about them with the hotel manager did I learn about their
lives. As a young (well, younger) man he knew several as friends, and he could
explain aspects of the profession few others knew about. The more he talked,
the more I could feel a story taking shape. I wasn't sure what it would be
exactly but I knew there was one in there.
A couple of months later, after I returned to the States, I
wrote "Perfect in Every Way," a story about Anita Ray and a climber
who works for Hotel Delite. The story concerns an older climber who marries a younger woman. I sold the story to Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, which has published a number of
Anita Ray stories.
I writ some of my best stories sitting at a desk at Hotel Aparna, glancing out the window at the ocean, the climbers, crows, and the occasional tourist taking the stairs to the roof of a nearby hotel.
coconut harvesting,
story ideas,
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